All Officers must follow the Council’s policies, in particular those relevant to these Orders, which are listed below.
Guidance Docs / Policies - Appendix 1 |
Notes/Links |
Description/section of PCSOs |
Procurement Act 2023 |
External link to Procurement Act 2023 Legislation
In PCSOs: 1.2. Governing Legislation 1.6. Procurement Type 1.7. Exempted Contracts 2.3. Convertible Contracts
Procurement Regulations 2024 |
The Procurement Regulations 2024 (
External link to Procurement Regulations 2024
In PCSOs: 1.2. Governing Legislation 1.6. Procurement Type
The Public Contract Regulations 2015 |
The Public Contracts Regulations 2015
External link to Public Contracts Regulations 2015
In PCSOs: 1.2. Governing Legislation
The Concession Contracts Regulations 2016 |
External link to The Concession Contracts Regulations 2016
In PCSOs: 1.6. Procurement Type
The Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 |
The Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012
External link to The Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012
In PCSOs: 1.2. Governing Legislation 5. Council Requirements / Obligations – 5.1. Social Value
Financial Procedure Rules (part 4A1 of the Constitution) |
External link to BHCC Constitution
In PCSOs: 1.4 Compliance 2. Approvals – 2.1. Procurement Forward Plan
Scheme of Delegation (see part 2Fof the Constitution) |
External link to BHCC Constitution
In PCSOs: 1.7. Exempted Contracts |
Code of Conduct (see part 4J of the Constitution) |
External link to BHCC Constitution
In PCSOs: 4. Contracting with Suppliers – 4.3. Bribery, Corruption, Canvassing and Collusion |
Brighton and Hove City Council Social Value Policy and Toolkit |
Social Value Procurement Policy ( Brighton and Hove Social Value Framework.pdf ( |
External links to BHCC Social Value Policy
Internal BHCC link to the SV toolkit
In PCSOs: 5. Council Requirements / Obligations – 5.1 Social Value |
BHCC Circular Economy Action Plan |
Brighton & Hove Circular Economy Action Plan 2020 to 2035
External link to referenced Policy
In PCSOs: 5. Council Requirements / Obligations - 5.2. Environmental Sustainability |
Orbis Environmentally Sustainable Procurement Policy, Brighton and Hove City Council |
External link to referenced Policy
In PCSOs (not explicitly referenced): 5. Council Requirements / Obligations - 5.2. Environmental Sustainability |
Supplier Code of Conduct |
External link to referenced Policy
In PCSOs (not explicitly referenced): 5. Council Requirements / Obligations |
BHCC Anti-Slavery Pledge |
External link
In PCSOs (not explicitly referenced): 5. Council Requirements / Obligations
The Co-operative Party Charter Against Slavery |
Co-operative Party Charter Against Modern Slavery – Co-operative Party |
External link
In PCSOs (not explicitly referenced): 5. Council Requirements / Obligations
Guidance for Agency workers and consultants |
Internal links to guidance on the Wave
In PCSOs: 2.5. Temporary Staff, Consultants and Professional Services
Guidance for Grants and External Funding |
Services offered by Legal Services Contracts and Procurement |
Internal link to Grants guidance on the Wave
In PCSOs: 4.5 Grants
Consultants and IR35 assessment requirements |
Internal link to guidance on the Wave
In PCSOs: 2.5. Temporary Staff, Consultants and Professional Services
Conflict of interest and corruption |
Link to BHCC intranet (The Wave)
In PCSOs: 4. Contracting with Suppliers – 4.3. Bribery, Corruption, Canvassing and Collusion – Conflict of Interest
Which Summary table decision tree |
Use Cabinet Office flow chart as starting point but amend to include light touch, PSR etc.
Cabinet Office decision tree can be found on the DMS here: Document Management System - 16 - 20240215 Which procurement regime should I be following decision tree.pdf - All Documents
Transforming Public Procurement Learning Manual - Summary Documents and Learning Aids |
The internal flow chart that was created to help Officers decide which Procurement Type Summary Table applies to their requirements has now been embedded into the PCSOs: 1.10. Procurement Type Summary Tables
Cabinet Office guidance/decision tree RE which procurement regime is available on the Procurement DMS and on the external website (Transforming Public Procurement pages and E-learning manual)
Thresholds |
Link to existing thresholds - Procurement Policy Note 11/23 – New Thresholds (HTML) - GOV.UK |
External link to current thresholds
In PCSOs thresholds are referenced in the following sections: 1.6. Procurement Type 1.9. Procurement Method 1.13 Evaluation 2. Approvals – 2.1. Procurement Forward Plan
Below Threshold Procurement Guidance |
Publishing notices, No restrictions, SME barriers, - link to cabinet office checklist and guidance Guidance_-_Below_Threshold_FINAL.pdf (
Below Threshold Contract Checklist Regulated Below Threshold Process Flow saved on the DMS here: Document Management System - Below threshold - All Documents
Internal and external links to Cabinet Office guidance on DMS and these are also available on the website (Transforming Public Procurement pages and E-learning manual)
In PCSOs: 1.10. Procurement Type Summary Tables 1.11. Below Threshold Procurements 1.12. Direct Award 2.2. Contract Modifications and Extensions 2.3. Convertible Contracts
Contract management |
Utilise Cabinet Office resources
Cabinet Office resources available on (Transforming Public Procurement pages and E-learning manual)
Link to internal Contract Management Framework SharePoint site
1.5. Roles and Responsibilities 5. Council Requirements / Obligations - 5.1. Social Value, 5.2. Environmental Sustainability, 5.3. Modern Slavery 7. Managing Contracts
Preliminary Market Engagement |
Utilise Cabinet Office guidance and checklist:
Checklist can be found on the DMS here: Document Management System - Preliminary market engagement checklist.pdf - All Documents *Internal best practice/training can be created but would sit separately to the PCSOS and Appendices*
Internal and external links to Cabinet Office guidance on DMS and these are also available on the website (Transforming Public Procurement pages and E-learning manual)
In PCOS: 5. Council Requirements / Obligations, 5.2. Environmental Sustainability |
NPPS (National Procurement Policy Statement) |
*Central Government currently re-drafting – will include link once published*
Will include external link to NPPS once published by the Government
In PCSOs: Not explicitly referenced as NPPS – mentioned more generically as national policies in the following sections: 1.5. Roles and Responsibilities 5. Council Requirements / Obligations, 5.1. Social Value, 5.3. Modern Slavery
Valuation of Contracts |
Use Cabinet Office guidance. Guidance_-_Valuation_of_Contracts.pdf ( |
External link to Cabinet Office guidance
In PCSOs: 1.8. Valuation of Contracts
Anti-Fraud Strategy/Whistleblowing |
BHCC: BHCC Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy and Framework 2022 to 2024
Internal and external links to referenced strategy/policy
In PCSOs: 4. Contracting with suppliers – 4.3. Bribery, Corruption, Canvassing and Collusion |
Conflict of Interest Guidance |
Use Cabinet Office guidance -
External link to requirements under the 2023 Act (and associated regulations)
In PCSOs: 4. Contracting with suppliers – 4.3. Bribery, Corruption, Canvassing and Collusion – Conflict of Interest |
Conflict of Interest declaration |
Internal COI Declaration template |
Template updated – will be available on internal Procurement SharePoint site.
In PCSOs: 4. Contracting with suppliers – 4.3. Bribery, Corruption, Canvassing and Collusion – Conflict of Interest
Conflicts assessment template |
Use Cabinet Office template -*adapt to Orbis Procurement*
Template updated – will be available on internal Procurement SharePoint site.
In PCSOs: 4. Contracting with suppliers – 4.3. Bribery, Corruption, Canvassing and Collusion – Conflict of Interest
CPV Codes - PSR | |
External link to PSR CPV Codes
In PCSOs: 1.6. Procurement Type
CPV Codes - Light Touch |
External link to Light Touch CPV Codes
In PCSOs: 1.6. Procurement Type
CPV codes - Works |
External link to Works CPV Codes
In PCSOs: 1.6. Procurement Type
PSR - choosing the right procedure flow chart |
NHS England » Provider Selection Regime: getting to the right decision |
External link to PSR guidance
In PCSOs: This flow chart is not explicitly referenced but PSR in general is referenced in the following sections: 1.2. Governing Legislation 1.6. Procurement Type 1.10. Procurement Type Summary Tables
Direct Award |
Cabinet Office decision tree and guidance. Guidance_-_Direct_Award_FINAL.pdf (
Decision tree can be found here: Document Management System - 26 - 20231208 Direct award decision tree (section 41).pdf - All Documents
External and internal links to Cabinet Office guidance these are also available on the website (Transforming Public Procurement pages and E-learning manual)
In PCSOs: 1.12 Direct Award |
Light Touch |
See Cabinet Office exemptions cheat sheet in training manual and guidance stored here: Document Management System - Exemptions cheat sheet - light touch contracts .pdf - All Documents
Guidance_-_Light_Touch_Contracts_FINAL.pdf ( |
External and internal links to Cabinet Office guidance these are also available on the website (Transforming Public Procurement pages and E-learning manual)
In PCSOs: Light Touch is referenced in the following sections: 1.6. Procurement Type 1.7. Exempted Contracts 1.10. Procurement Type Summary Tables |
Publishing Notices (procedure) |
*FTS / Proactis / Intend - instructions / guidance on this to be created* |
Internal guidance to be created on how to publish notices. |
Publishing Notices (legislative requirements) |
Cabinet Office summary/cheat sheet which can be found here: |
Internal link to Cabinet Office guidance these are also available on the website (Transforming Public Procurement pages and E-learning manual)
1.9. Procurement Method 1.18 Procurement Notices 7.3. Notices required during the life of the Contract
Assessment & Award |
Use Cabinet Office guidance Guidance_-_Conditions_of_Participation_FINAL__1_.pdf
Guidance-Assessing-Competitive-Tenders-FINAL.pdf (
Guidance_on_Contract_Details_Notices_FINAL_v2.0.pdf (
External links to Cabinet Office guidance
In PCSOs: 1.13 Evaluation 1.9. Procurement Method 1.18 Procurement Notices 6.4. Document Retention periods 7.3. Notices required during the life of the Contract
Specifications |
Use Cabinet Office guidance linked to this Procurement Act 2023 guidance documents - Define phase - GOV.UK ( |
External link to Cabinet Office Guidance
In PCSOs: Specifications are referenced in the following sections: 1.5. Roles and Responsibilities 1.6. Procurement Type 5. Council Requirements / Obligations - 5.1. Social Value, 5.2. Environmental Sustainability, 5.3. Modern Slavery |
Selecting a Procedure |
Cabinet Office Selecting a procedure cheat sheet can be found here: Document Management System - 25 - 20231205 Choosing a procedure.pdf - All Documents |
Internal link to Cabinet Office guidance this is also available on the website (Transforming Public Procurement pages and E-learning manual)
In PCSOs: 1.6. Procurement Type 1.9. Procurement Method 1.10. Procurement Type Summary Tables
Timescales |
Cabinet Office decision tree/Tendering time limits cheat sheet can be found here: Document Management System - 22 - 20231212 Tendering time limits cheat sheet _ decision tree.pdf - All Documents
Internal link to Cabinet Office guidance this is also available on the website (Transforming Public Procurement pages and E-learning manual)
In PCSOs: Timescales are referenced in the following section: 1.9. Procurement Method |
PA2023 - choosing the right procedure |
Cabinet Office decision tree on Choosing a procedure can be found here: Document Management System - 25 - 20231205 Choosing a procedure.pdf - All Documents
Internal link to Cabinet Office guidance this is also available on the website (Transforming Public Procurement pages and E-learning manual)
In PCSOs: 1.6. Procurement Type 1.9. Procurement Method 1.10. Procurement Type Summary Tables
Frameworks |
See Cabinet Office guidance - Guidance_-_Frameworks_FINAL.pdf (
Framework Cabinet Office cheat sheets can be found here: Document Management System - Frameworks and Dynamic Markets - All Documents
Internal and external links to Cabinet Office guidance these are also available on the website (Transforming Public Procurement pages and E-learning manual)
In PCSOs: 1.10. Procurement Type Summary Tables 1.15. Framework agreements, Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS) and Dynamic Markets
Dynamic Markets |
See Cabinet Office guidance - Guidance_-_Dynamic_markets_FINAL.pdf (
Various Cabinet Office cheat sheets can be found here: Document Management System - Frameworks and Dynamic Markets - All Documents |
Internal and external links to Cabinet Office guidance these are also available on the website (Transforming Public Procurement pages and E-learning manual)
In PCSOs: 1.10. Procurement Type Summary Tables 1.15. Framework agreements, Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS) and Dynamic Markets
Record Keeping of key decisions |
*Template currently in draft* - Min 3 years and procurement report - link to cab office guidance - needs to comply with our own retention periods - e.g. legal hold contracts for 12 years...
Cabinet office template can be found on the DMS here: Document Management System - Record keeping.pdf - All Documents |
Once document is created it will be available on internal Procurement SharePoint site.
In PCSOs, record keeping is referenced in the following sections: 1.5. Roles and Responsibilities 1.9. Procurement Method 4.4. Audit Requirements 5. Council Requirements / Obligations - 5.1. Social Value 6.4. Document Retention periods 7. Managing Contracts
Supplier exclusion and debarment |
Use Cabinet Office guidance Guidance_-_Exclusions_FINAL_v.2.pdf
External Cabinet Office Guidance.
In PCSOs this is referenced in the following section: 6.2. Supplier Exclusion |